Saturday, June 2, 2018

Turing used clothes into new toys [MakerID-33]

For maker faire we desired to gather used, stained, or just clothes that people didn't want any more so that we could cut them apart, and sew them back together to make toys for children, which we will donate after maker faire. We originally started with re-purposing clothes by using already used clothes to make new clothes but we started to realize that this was a project people did a lot and we should do something more original, fun and useful. When we first started brainstorming our project we couldn't decide between making clothes or toys, Luna wanted to make toys and Anna wanted to make clothes. In the end though we decided to turn old clothes into new clothes. We gathered clothes and started to cut them up and put them back together but i was harder than we thought and we had trouble making clothes that looks any good especially in the time was had, so we went over to what Luna wants to do, turn clothes into toys, it was a more original plan and was may easter and turned out better then making clothes out of clothes. We wanted to do this project so we could make cheap toys for kids and we could define them in a way we thought would be best. And we really hope who even ends up getting the toys after we donate time is happy with what we made. Changing tracks halfway thought was  hard to do we had to scrap all the clothes we had started to make and start over completely but we did manage to pull together. In the process we learned about how hard it was to even put together one piece of clothing so that it looks nice in especially such a short time frame. If we had had more time we may have stuck with our original idea and have been able to make some clothes that looked nice and felt like it was brand new, and if we had done the toy on ei would have liked to make bigger toys and maybe even uses toys to make new toys. If you liked the way our project sounds and would like to try it for yourself i would recommend knowing that this will take longer than you think and you should prepare for that. But that said this project was really really fun to do and very cheap you can use old clothes you have laying around and if you don't have needle and thread they are fairly cheap to get. This project was very fun and i hope you liked it as much as we did. -Anna and Luna 7C

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