Saturday, June 2, 2018

Insulated Cupcake Stand [MakerID-22]


For Maker Faire we decided to build our own insulated cupcake stand. We originally
were really excited to make cupcakes and sell them to raise money for Maker Faire, but when
that idea was turned down, we decided to build our own cupcake stand but with a twist; we are
going to make it insulated. ( We would still make cupcakes and sell them though)  We wanted to
make it insulated because it's really annoying when you make cupcakes and the frosting melts
because they got too hot, so we wanted to have a way to showcase the cupcakes without the
frosting melting. Our inspiration was that we wanted to raise money for breast cancer and make
cupcakes while building something people can use in their everyday life. A challenge we faced during our project was getting the time to use the laser cutter and making the project. Because many groups had to use the laser cutter for their project, it was hard to find time when no one was using it. This presented itself as a big problem because most of our project depended on it. After we figured out how to use Adobe Illustrator ( the laser cutting design program) we had to move it onto a hard drive. As maker faire started to approach we scheduled the time to use it and successfully cut our first design! Coming into this project, none of us had any clue how to work the laser cutter. Now we all do! If we had more time it would be cool to make more than one stand, make them bigger, or try making a heated one as well. If anyone else were to try this project, some advice is that you should make a cardboard prototype with the laser cutter first to see what it would look like before using acrylic/wood. To make the cupcake stands we used three pieces of acrylic which were $25 each, we also used pipe, which we found in our classroom, so altogether it costed around $75. This is a link to an article about insulated food carriers.

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