Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Wood Working: Creating More Stools [MakerID-5]

Our project is wood working. We are building a stool for our yard. We wanted to have more seating for all of our friends when we are hanging out. Our inspiration to build a stool was because at recess and lunch we always sit on a bench with all of our friends, but there is never enough space for all of us. So we thought if we built an extra seat then it could be easier to seat all of our friends.

Before we started the woodworking we went around the school looking at stools other people had made. We decided which one we liked the best and then modify it to be better.

During the time we built our project we learned how to use a screwdriver correctly and how long it takes to saw. Overall we learned how long and hard the mechanics are, and how wood working with not a lot of tools is difficult.

One challenge we faced was lack of materials. So we decided to find some for yourself. We found a bunch of wood that was not being used and decided to cut it. We kept persevering even though we didn’t have any teacher help or experience with wood working.

Our estimated cost of the project is $0 because we used materials that the school already had.

Our bench is on the left. We based it on the one on the right.

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