Our inspiration was just the fact that making the lost and found cleaner and more accessible would help all the students in looking for their stuff. We ourselves were always intimidated to even look in the lost and found, so many people never got around to finding their clothes, let alone having all the effort to go digging through other people's clothes as well that have been there for weeks and probably months.
In order to clean up the lost and found, first we put out all the clothes in the yard so kids could take their jackets. We were really excited because we even had a friend that got three jackets that they had lost! So we got rid of as many clothes as we could, then measured the length of the top so we could install a PVC pipe to use as a hanger for clothes instead of just piling on the clothes. We did this by drilling a half circle into the sides of the ledge on the top inside of the shed.
We also installed a piece of wood near the bottom fourth of the shed to separate the clothes from the papers and water bottles, small things like that. We had trouble with this because we first measured the width incorrectly and had to re-cut the wood, but in this process, we learned how to use a jigsaw which was super cool.
Our project was completely free for us because we used resources that we already had at BPC.
How to use a jigsaw video
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